Artist : Ike Tuner
Genre : Tech House & Hip Hop
DJ, Producer & Live Act
Homebase : Berlin/Germany
Links : Facebook
Which track shouldn´t be missed in your sets? : One from a different genre – otherwise it can get boring.
No-go club? : Berghain, because the people there do not exist in reality. Basically everywhere else, all things are optional, nothing is a must.
Musical role models? : Pretty hard to answer. Somehow I get influenced by so much, I can´t just name a few heroes like Jamie xx.
Gin or Vodka? : All 3 ;-)
Which track never works for you, never never ever? : Kiez – Ike Tuner


Just a dude, who lives with music. After a decade of Hip Hop focus, this dude has comfortably sattled on the electronic dance floor.
